Friday, March 30, 2007

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, School Improvement Initiatives

This position requires the abilities to work in a fast-paced environment, to shift to new projects quickly, and to work on multiple ongoing assignments involving several projects. This individual assists HSTW Professional Development programs and provides customer service to participants and presenters, including data entry for registration, attendance and payments; managing listservs for follow-up communications with attendees; gathering information for reports and maintaining project calendars.

This individual will also serve as back-up to the Senior Vice President’s administrative assistant and help with tape transcription, PowerPoint presentations, travel arrangements and performs other duties as assigned.

Must have the ability to work for more than one person; possess excellent administrative, organization, written and oral communication skills and have experience in editing documents. Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint required. Bachelor’s degree desired. SREB offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits, including the TIAA-CREF retirement program. Qualified applicants are encouraged to send a letter of application with a current vita, names and contact information of three professional references (e-mail addresses preferred), and salary requirements.

Fax resume to: 404.872.1477, mail to SREB, Attn: Human Resources, 592 10th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318-5776, or e-mail

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