Monday, February 15, 2010

AYS mourns loss of alumna Diane Caves in Haitian earthquake

The U.S. State Department and the HHS Disaster Mortuary Response Team has confirmed the death of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention policy analyst Diane Caves in the Haiti earthquake. A dedicated public health professional, Diane was on a CDC 3-week assignment to improve Haitian HIV/AIDS programs when the earthquake struck.

Faculty and former graduates remember Diane Caves as an enterprising, engaging M.P.A student who graduated in 2007. After completing her MPA, she enrolled in 2009 in the MPH program at Georgia State’s Institute of Public Health.

“Diane was one of our stellar MPA students,” says Katherine Willoughby, a professor in the Department of Public Management and Policy. “She spoke at the 2007 Andrew Young School Honors Dinner about the importance of public service and her commitment to effective public program management. This is a sad loss for the Andrew Young School.”

Many are mourning her loss. For more information, please go to:

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

GSU Institute of Public Health:

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